Saturday, March 16, 2013

Interview with Indie Author Aneesa Price!!!!!

Before we start I would just like to Thank you Aneesa for agreeing to do this interview with me.

Q.1  What inspired you to write Home for Love?

I can never truly answer this question. I never know how an idea forms – it just does. I come up with ideas in odd places and it usually when I day dream or let my thoughts flow. Then when I sit and type, whatever seeds of thought I initially had develops into something more until I have a book. I can say however, that I had the initial idea to write a serial killer book and Alaska seemed to be the right place because I pictured blood drenching snow. As I wrote though, it morphed into a contemporary romance, which is my favorite (and the easiest for me) kind of book to write.

Q.2   Do you put your own personality traits or those of someone you know into your characters?

I have a past as a therapist and worked as a psychologist, so some of those experiences inevitably creep into my work. Finding Promise is ultimately about a woman who has to overcome a history of spousal abuse. Home for Love is about emotional betrayal and battling depression. As heavy as those subjects are though, I ensure that my books have happy endings and that the characters tackle their challenges positively and with gusto. I don’t think my characters are based on me, however, they are all strong women and I fancy myself as a strong woman. I don’t think that my characters are based on people I know either (with the exception of one or two). I really can’t explain the process I go through. It is automatic, instinctive and as I write, explore and research, the characters take shape. I ultimately create the type of stories that I like to read and create the type of characters I enjoy. Then I hope with baited breath and fingers and toes crossed, that others feel the same.

Q.3   What is your favorite food?

I am an avid reader and foodie and always have been. I began cooking at the age of 8 and read cook books like others read novels. So, I love many types of foods and it is hard for me to choose a favorite. If I could choose a ‘last meal’ though, it would most likely be a starter of oysters (with Tabasco and fresh lemon), bouillabaisse (French seafood soup) followed by a good steak with cheese and mushroom sauce and jacket potatoes (baked potatoes) and veg and ended off with a tasting plate of desserts (small bits of many different kinds of desserts). Now after answering this question I’m really, really hungry! lol

Q.4   If you could co-write a book with any other author, who would that author be?
I struggle to make a choice of one (obviously) lol. So, I’d go with Nora Roberts for a contemporary novel and Sherrilyn Kenyon for paranormal.

Q.5  What was the first book that you read?  You know the one that opened the doorway to a love of reading for you.
Enid Blyton’s A Magic Faraway Tree. It’s about a group of children who stumble across a magic tree that houses many interesting characters. At the top of the tree is the entry to a different world and the worlds that ‘visit’ the top of the tree constantly change. It was a magical adventure and a book I highly recommend to fuel the imaginations of children. I plan to read it to my own kids – it certainly gave me fodder for thinking creatively about what I read.

Q.6  What is the last book you read that you would recommend to others?
The last book I read was Rosanna Leo’s Sunburn. She is an author with an indie publishing company and a friend. I love her work as it is written for adults (so yes  - there is some heat in it), it is imaginative and adequately descriptive. My favorite book of hers is Sweet Hell though. Sweet Hell and Sunburn are part of a series about the Greek Gods and how they fall in love with mortals in today’s age.

Q.7   What was the last book based movie that you saw?
Breaking Dawn Part 2. I prefer the book but the movie was worth it for Jake’s abs (the cougar in me is willing to admit that much).

Q.8    If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Again – too many to decide on just one. I would LOVE to visit New Orleans and Ireland as I believe that the air must be rich in magick. I would also love to visit the island of Mauritius and take my kids to Disneyland in Florida. Alaska to see the Northern Lights is also on my ‘travel’ bucket list.

Q.9    Any words of wisdom for those that are wanting to write?
Read. Research. Sit down and write. Research some more. Edit. Continue reading. Do it in that order and if needs be, go into a ‘writing hole’ and block the rest of the world from you if you have to.

Q.10   Is there anybody that you would like to thank for supporting your work?

The list is extensive. I would like to thank you and the members of my fan club and street team. There are also many reviewers and authors on Facebook who have been generous with advice and support. I’m wary of naming them lest I omit someone. I have, however, made a point of naming individuals in my books for their kindness and acceptance of my work. I am sometimes overwhelmed (positively so) by the idea that little under a year ago I was a completely unknown author and today I can proudly say that with the help and support of many readers, reviewers and authors, I’ve begun a journey in writing. So, thank you – all of you – you know who you are. <3


  1. Thank you Ronda. This is awesome! :)

  2. I enjoyed the interview. I would only mention one thing which is probably caused by my aging eyesight. Lol. The blue print on black was really hard to see. Or maybe there is a way I could change the setting myself. I am definitely going to check out the authors books. Thanks.

    1. I am sorry that it was hard for you to read. I am not sure why the answers showed up blue. Thank you for checking out Aneesa's books. I love her books, she is a great author!
